Learn and Generate Bibliographies, Citations, and Works Cited

CategoryHow To

Writing the perfect bibliography takes work. You need to have your sources ready and evaluate each source to ensure that you are citing it perfectly. 

Tips on Writing a Good Bibliography

Before you can begin creating your bibliography perfectly, you need to know what format you are working in. The way that you create your bibliography will depend on the specific style that you are using. There are several different styles available.


This style is designed for creating liberal arts or humanities essays.


Use this style for creating in the education or science fields.


You might use this for creating a business essay for professionals.


Similar to the Chicago style but designed for students.


This is used to for referencing informational texts by students.

Perfect Citations

Each style comes with its own way to cite the works that you used. Additionally, within each style, you must cite different works differently. For example, a blog will be cited differently than a website. Among books, there are different formats for online books, print books and even books with multiple authors.

Adding Annotation

Sometimes a regular old bibliography just isn’t cutting it. Adding an annotated bibliography can proved validity and necessity to your citations. In an annotated bibliography, you add a purpose, summary and even information about the author.

Know the Difference

When you are creating a work in a specific style, a lot of different elements are going to come into play. These will include footnotes and in-text citations. It is important to know the difference between a footnote and a bibliography and why each are important.

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Works Cited vs. Bibliography vs. APA References Differences

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